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Bild einer urbanen Landschaft mit See und Berge im Hintergrund zeigt symbolisch Neon Diagramme auf den Dächern von Unternehmen.

Data as the Foundation for Wellbeing Initiatives in Companies

This article explores why diagnostics are essential before launching any wellbeing initiative, drawing on research and case studies that demonstrate the value of data-driven insights in enhancing organizational health.

Effective Strategies for Stress Management

Success without exhaustion? In this video, Dr. Bernhard Kaumanns reveals how targeted energy management keeps leaders healthy, motivated, and high-performing – even under heavy workloads.
video podcast mit bernhard kaumanns und frank scheelen zum thema Strategisches Corporate Health Management- Ein Leitfaden für nachhaltige Mitarbeitergesundheit

Strategic Corporate Health Management

The video podcast with Dr. Bernhard Kaumanns and Frank Scheelen highlights the strategic importance of corporate health management. Preventive measures and clear health strategies boost motivation, reduce absenteeism, and ensure the long-term competitiveness of businesses.

Podcast: Focus on healthy performance

In this Talent Development Hot Seat podcast, hosted by Andy Storch
I talk about creating healthy performance organizations and its potential to improve engagement rates.
Strengthening Resilience in Companies – Rethinking Health

Strengthening Resilience in Companies – Rethinking Health

Strengthening resilience in companies is more important today than ever before. In an increasingly complex and dynamic working environment, the ability to successfully navigate crises and challenges has become a critical success factor. But what exactly does resilience mean for companies, and how can it be intentionally developed?

Interview at the HR Congress in Porto

In the interview at the HR Congress World Summit 2024 in Porto, Dr. Bernhard Kaumanns emphasizes the importance of employee well-being for business success. Learn how a healthy workplace culture can enhance both employee well-being and overall company performance.

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